MEPCO New Connection

Do you need a new MEPCO Connection? And did not know the process of how to apply for it. Don’t worry, we are here to assist you in getting a New MEPCO Connection. Here we will discuss the whole process of getting a new mepco connection in detail.

Do you need a MEPCO New Connection? Open to get all information about a New MEPCO Connection, Change Connection Name, Load and Tariff. and Time Required for all this process.

Click to calculate your bill

Here we will also discuss about name change and load change process. Even if anyone wants to change his tariff can get detailed guidance from this article. Here we will discuss the process of applying for a new MEPCO connection step-wise

Process of MEPCO New Connection

MEPCO New Connection Form

We need a new meter connection if we have built our new house or we moved to a new place. Electricity is a need of the hour and we can not survive without it. So everyone tries to install a new meter connection as soon as possible.

Now Govt of Pakistan has designed a centralised online web portal for the whole country. Where anyone from any part of the country can apply online for a new meter connection. This system is called the Electricity New Connection ( ENC ) System.

Infographics of MEPCO New Connection Steps
  • Open ENC Official Site ( Click to open ENC )
  • Select “apply” from the left sidebar menu
  • Select Distribution Company “ MEPCO “ 
  • Select concerned Sub-Division
  • Select category type and give neighbours reference number 
  • Now extended form will open, select the connection type
  • Give your details, contact information and premises details

Required Documents

The customer needs to upload the following documents in the form of JPG or PDF format

You can get information about Bill Payment from this article

The file size should not increase than 300kb

  • Property document copy as Fard, Registry, File of the Property etc
  • Attested Copy of the CNIC of the applicant
  • Attested CNIC copy of the witness
  • Neighbour MEPCO Bill Copy
  • Wiring contractor’s test report
  • Applicant undertaking
  • When a customer clicks I Agree “ he gives his undertaking about terms and conditions
  • Now your application is ready to submit, submit it

After submission of the application, a tracking ID will be generated. Note down this ID as you will need this ID to download your application and demand notice.

Printing and Submission of the Application Form

After the successful submission of the application, the customer will get a tracking ID. Now the customer needs to take a printout of his application and submit it to the concerned MEPCO Office.

If you are not satisfied with the services of MEPCO, you can complain against it.

  • Open the ENC Home Page
  • Select Print Form
  • Select New Connection from the next menu
  • Select the company as MEPCO and enter your Tracking ID
  • Press submit
  • You will see your application, take its print
  • Attach all required documents, which were uploaded to the portal at the time of application submission
  • Submit your application along with the required document at the concerned MEPCO Office

Demand Notice

When your verification process is completed you can download and print your demand notice online

  • Open the ENC Home Page
  • Select Print DN
  • Select New Connection
  • Enter your Tracking ID or your CNIC Number
  • Press submit
  • Your DN is ready to print
  • Take its print
  • Pay your DN at a designated bank branch
  • After payment, you can upload a DN to the web portal
  • Open the ENC and select Upload DN
  • Enter your Tracking ID and CNIC
  • Submit
  • Submit the Paid DN at the concerned MEPCO Office

To check your MEPCO Online Bill, open MEPCO Online Bill

Application Tracking

Now you can track your application status at any stage with the help of the Tracking ID issued on the submission of the Application Form.

Monthly Bill Subscription is a great initiative of MEPCO, to provide bills through SMS.

  • Open ENC site
  • Select Track from the menu
  • Select New Connection from the new form
  • Select company “ MEPCO “
  • Enter your Tracking ID
  • Press submit

You will see your application status for MEPCO New Connection here.

Meter Installation

After verification of your paid demand notice. A new meter will be issued along with wire and other asserie. A representative of MEPCO will install a new meter at your premises.

Time Required for New Connection Category Wise

Concerning load, there are 3 main categories for new meter connections.

Category 1: Load up to 15kW

Category 2:  Load from 16 to 70 kW ( 400 volts )

Category 3: Loaf from 71 to 500 kW ( 400 volts )

Now we share a time frame and steps required for each category’s new meter connection.

For Category-1 ( load 1kW-15kW )

 Consumers with loads up to 15kW fall under Category-1. SDO/Assistant Manager Operations concerned will approve the new meter connection request for this category. The processing process for Category-1 takes approximately 30 days.

ProcessTime Required
After the successful submission of the application, the office will issue a receipt and assign a seniority number to the application on the register.1 Day
The inspection team will visit the place and inspect whether the can can be provided easily or not. They will also inform the applicant accordingly.3 Days
If they conclude that a connection can be provided, the costs will be estimated.2 Days
The office will deliver a DN to the applicant either in person or via mail.2 Days
The applicant will submit the paid DN receipt in the office.2 Days
The applicant must submit the test report about wiring in the office and the officer will verify it.3 Days
The concerned office will prepare a priority list report according to the DN paid date.1 Day
Service connection orders will be issued by the concerned office.3 Days
The office will contact to store to provide the required equipment to set up a connection.3 Days
The store will provide the required equipment.5 Days
When the required material like meter, wire and screws etc are received, the concerned officer will arrange for persons to install the connection.5 Days
Total time required30 Days
Time required for category 1 connection

For Category-2 ( Load 16kW-70kW )

Consumers with a load range from 16kW to 70kW fall under Category 2. The concerned DM/XEN will approve the connection request for this category. The process of a connection for this category is approximately the same as Category-1 but it can take up to 53 days.

For Category-3 ( Load 71kW-500kW )

Consumers with a load range of 71kW to 500kW fall under Category-3. The concerned operation manager will approve the connection request for this category.

Its process is the same as Category 1 but can take up to 73 days.

Change Connection Name/Load/Tariff

Sometimes we need to change the ownership of our meter/connection due to several reasons like sale or purchase of property or transfer of meter from parents to their children. Sometimes we need to change the load or tariff plane for our meter.

Now you can apply for Net Metering in the jurisdiction of MEPCO to get benefits from your solar system installed.

Here we will discuss in detail the whole process of changing Name/Load/Tariff.

  • Open the ENC website ( click here to open )
  • Press the Change option from the menu
  • Select Application Type from the options given like change of name, tariff or load
  • Give your reference number, CNIC Number and mobile number
  • Enter the current name of the owner and a new name ( if want to change the name )
  • Enter the old tariff and new tariff, only if you want to change the tariff plan
  • Enter your sanctioned load and new load, only if you want to change your load

Attachments Required

Applicants must be required to upload these documents along with the application. The file size should not exceed 300kb.

  • Attested CNIC copy of the applicant
  • Electricity bill copy of the applicant
  • Proof of ownership

Submitting and Printing of Application

  • After uploading the required document, click on “ I Agree “ then the “Submit” button will become active. Press the submit button. The application will be submitted. The applicant will be allotted a tracking ID. Note down this ID for future use.
  • Now click on “ Print Form “ from the left side and select application type ( select change of name/load/tariff option )
  • Select company “ MEPCO “enter your tracking ID and press submit
  • Now your application will be shown, print it
  • Now submit this application form along with all required documents to the concerned office.

Print Demand Notice and Pay the Fee

  • After verification of your application and documents, a DN will be issued by the MEPCO Office.
  • You can download your DN from ENC. Select the Print Demand Notice option from the left menu
  • Select application type, change of name/load/tariff
  • Enter your Tracking ID
  • Print DN
  • Pay this DN at any designated bank
  • Upload a paid copy of the demand notice to the web portal by selecting the option of Upload Demand Notice
  • You should submit a copy of the paid DN to the MEPCO office concerned

After verification of your paid demand notice, changes will be made.

Click to check Taxes and Duties included in your MEPCO Bill


MEPCO gives freedom to its consumers to apply for a new meter connection either by office or by using the online portal. Customers can easily apply for new MEPCO connections while sitting in their homes. Customers can easily track their application status at any time with the help of tracking ID.

Customers can easily change their connection name, load and tariff at any time with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )

Yes we can apply online for New MEPCO Connection through ENC Website

Yes you can check your application status at any time from the ENC Website through the Tracking ID

Any govt official of scale 16 or above can attest to our documents

When we receive our demand notice, we can pay it at any designated bank branch, or we can pay it online via the bank mobile app, Easypaisa app, Jazz Cash app etc