MEPCO Monthly Bill Subscription

MEPCO is a technology-centered company and it is always ready to serve its customers with the latest technology. It is utilizing the latest technology to facilitate its consumers in every department. They have adapted SMS and Email services to provide bills digitally to their consumers.

Great news for MEPCO Consumers as now they can register for MEPCO Bill Subscription to get their monthly bills via SMS and Email without any delay. They will receive their bills as soon as they are generated and printed.

Now the wait for a hard copy of your MEPCO Monthly Bill is over, you can get your bill digitally via SMS and Email service from MEPCO for delivering bills. You will receive your bill instantly when MEPCO MIS generates it.

MEPCO Monthly Bill Subscription

You do not wait for your hard copy of the bill and will have ample time for bill payment. Normally the hard copy comes a couple of days before the due date, this service will eliminate this panic situation for consumers.

You can check your MEPCO Duplicate Bill Online for free, click to check your MEPCO Duplicate Bill

Process of MEPCO Bill Subscription

MEPCO offers 2 ways to register for this service, consumers can register their reference numbers to get their bills via SMS or Email. Consumers can avail of both services at a time and there is no condition to apply for only one service. Here we will give step-by-step guidelines to register for both services i.e. SMS subscription and Email subscription

You can apply for a New Connection of MEPCO easily.

Process of Registration for SMS Service

For MEPCO Monthly Bill SMS Registration a customer should follow these steps.

  • Open the official site of MEPCO
  • Open the SMS registration tab
  • Enter your Reference Number
  • Enter your mobile number with the country code
  • Press Submit Button
  • You will receive your bill as an SMS Alert from the next bill cycle 

Click to open the form directly for SMS registration of monthly bills. You will receive your bill details from next month’s billing cycle.

MEPCO SMS Registration Form

Process of MEPCO Email Registration

MEPCO not only provides SMS service to its consumers but it also provides the service of email. If a consumer registers his email address with MEPCO, he will receive his bill in his email inbox. This is called MEPCO E-bill registration. 

  • Open the official site of MEPCO
  • Open the email registration tab
  • Enter your Reference Number
  • Enter your Email address
  • Press Submit Button
  • You will receive your bill details in your inbox via E-Mail from the next bill cycle

Click to directly open the Email subscription form and enter your information

When a customer receives an electricity bill, it includes not only the price of electricity but also some duties and taxes. Click to know about Taxes and Duties included in your Bill.

MEPCO Email Subscription Form

You will receive your bill for the registered reference number from next month’s billing cycle.

Benefits of Monthly Bill Subscription

Paperless Billing | MEPCO E Bill

This promotes paperless billing in the region. As we import paper for printing bills of electricity and pay a hefty amount for import, it increases the import bill of our country. Govt is trying to promote paper-less official work

Digitizing the Official Work

Govt is trying to digitise office work to save paper and other resources. It is a step towards a digital world as MEPCO delivers bills digitally.

Instant Information

The consumer will get an alert about his bill as soon as MEPCO MIS generates his bill. It is a quick and instant source of information. Now, customers will not wait long for a hard copy to arrive at home. You can calculate your bill with the information you received.

Alerts and Notification

MEPCO uses this data to send notifications about billing amounts and due dates. Can send notifications about load shedding, load management and other important notifications.

Customer Support

Consumers will get valued customer support about any queries through SMS and E-Mail alerts on the provided number and email address.

Now you can easily complain against MEPCO, to learn about it open MEPCO Complaints

Free of Cost Service

Consumers do not need to pay for this service, they will get all these services free of cost. He will get alerts about his bill without paying anything.


When we get an MEPCO monthly bill through SMS or EMail, it is saved in our phone or mail account. We can get it anywhere and at any time, if we need something to know about our bill for example to know our bill, due date etc. You can save some amount to pay your bill on time.

SMS Formate of MEPCO Monthly Bills

When we receive an SMS notification about the MEPCO Monthly Bill, it may include these fields

Bill Header: This section normally includes information about billing month, amount, due date etc

Billing Period: This section shows the month for billing period

Bill Summary: It shows a concise overview of the total amount due and other charges if applicable

Meter Reading: This section shows readings of the meter for the current month and the previous month

Unit Consumption: In this section, the total number of units consumed is shown, the difference between current units and previous months’ units consumed

Tariff Details: This section shows tariff rates and calculations about consumers’ bill

Do you want to apply for a Green Meter? Then click to open Net Metering and get all the information you need.


In this era of technology, everyone wants to get information digitally. For this purpose, MEPCO has started SMS and E-Mail Subscription Service. When a consumer subscribes to this service he will get notifications in their inbox instantly. It is a free-of-cost service.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

The customer should register himself with MEPCO SMS Registration Service to get the MEPCO Monthly Bill by SMS alert.

To get notifications about MEPCO monthly bills, customers should subscribe to the MEPCO SMS Service.