Check Your MEPCO Bill Online For Free
Did you get your Bill late every month? Or even you did not get your bill at all. You need not worry about your Bill as we offer Online Bill ( web bill ) for free. You just need to open the site and enter your 14-digit Reference Number.
When you press the generate bill button you will get your Duplicate Bill Copy. You can save it as a Bill Image or download it as a PDF file. You can print it. In this e-bill, you will get all the information about your bill.
You can check your last date to pay the bill and the amount to be paid. It allows you to check your bill before the hard copy comes to your home. You can check your current month’s bill. It is also called bill inquiry. The tubewell bill can also be checked here.
To generate your current month’s bill press the bill generator button. It will provide your bill, you can take its print or save its copy. Our site fetches data from the official site of the PITC Bill. We can not see our bill without a reference number or customer ID.
How to Check MEPCO Bill Online?
If you want to check your bill online then open our site. It is free and easy to use. You can check and download your Bill Online in a very easy way. You just need to know a few things about the checking method.
There are 2 ways to check and download your bill online. We will discuss them in detail.
Bijli bill check online is very easy we need to follow these steps to check bill bijli.
If we enter the wrong reference number or miss any digit of our RN then we will see the message “ Bill Not Found “
Normally when we install a new connection, we will get the first bill, a new connection bill after 2-3 months. It is necessary to keep it because it has our reference number and customer ID.
Bill by Reference Number
You can check your bill with the help of Reference Number. It is a 14-digit number printed on every Bill ( Bill Bijli ) on the left side. It consists of batch number, sub-division number and your customer number.
We can explain it with the help of the following image. This infographic presentation shows a simple way to check your WAPDA MEPCO Duplicate Bill Online for free.
First, you need to open our site and enter your 14-digit Reference Number. Press the generate bill button, a new window will open and you will get your bill. Now you can save it as an image, or jpg or download it as a pdf file and can take its print as well.
Bill by Customer ID
It gives you the freedom to check your bill in another way, with a customer ID. It is a 10 10-digit unique number which is allotted to every customer. It is also printed on the left side beneath the RN.
You just need to select Customer ID from the input field of the form. When you select it, the input field changes from reference number to Customer ID. Just enter your customer ID and press generate a bill.
You will get your duplicate bill online for free. You can download or take its print to save it. You can use it to pay your bill at any bill-paying facility.
Now you can get a monthly bill subscription through SMS and email, to get details open Bill Subscription
We can not find the Bill by meter number. A customer can not check his bill by name or by CNIC Number.
If you want to calculate your Bill then open the page ” Online Bill Calculator “
How to Find Reference Number and Customer ID?
There are many ways to find the Reference number and customer ID. Here we discuss them briefly
Old Bills
The customer can easily find his reference number and Customer ID from his past or previous bill. These are printed on the left side of the bill and can be easily seen.
Online Portal
If the customer lost their previous bills and did not have any bills at their disposal, they did not need to worry about it. They can find their reference numbers and customer IDs from online portals.
At online portals, customers have to provide some required information such as name, ID Card and address and they will get their RN and customer ID.
Customer Services Centers
If a customer can not access online portals, he can visit any customer service centre near him. They will provide his reference number and customer ID after verifying his details.
Understanding The Bill
When we see the online bill, we can see different information from it. Normally it has information about your RN, meter number, connection date, and customer ID.
We can also see the reading date of the current month, units consumed, rate per unit, and due date to pay ( also called effective date ) the bill.
It also has information about all taxes included in your bill payment. The late surcharge is also mentioned on our bill. If we need to contact our related officers, we can get their contact numbers from our bill. It also has a billing address printed on it.
It is changing the reference numbers of customers, we can find new RN from the bill image. When we save our bill in image or image jpg format, we can see the bill logo on our saved copy.
The customer’s reference number and ID are his bill payment numbers. It has per unit cost for our all consumed units. We can see it in the bill calculation section. When we pay the bill, the agent will give us a bill receipt, we keep it as proof of payment.
Pro Rata Consumption
It is a new term introduced by NEPRA, it is mentioned in bills if units are calculated according to it. The monthly bill cycle for every consumer is always 30 days. But, if the meter reader has not done reading at a specific date, then the bill will be calculated on the average of actual units consumed during the month and multiplied by 30 days.
If reading is done before time, average units will be added to our bill and if reading is done after the reading due date, average units will be deducted from reading units. It always favours the consumers and eliminates overbilling in Pakistan.
MEPCO stands for Multan Electric Power Company Limited. It supplies electricity to Southern Punjab with the slogan of “ Enlightening Lives “. It supplies uninterrupted electricity to its 8 million consumers.
It is controlled by WAPDA ( Water and Power Development Authority ). It started working as a company in 1998. It is the largest power distribution company in the country operating in 13 districts of the Southern Punjab.
It supplies electricity to rural and urban areas. Rural areas are dominating with a higher number of consumers. More consumers are “ Life Line Consumers “.
If you are not satisfied with its Services and want to complain, then open Complaints
Areas Covered
It is responsible for providing electricity to South Punjab and covers an area of 82,132 square kilometres. Its supply structure comprises 672 feeders 786 grid stations and vast supply lines. It covers 50 National Assembly Constituencies and 104 PP Constituencies.
It covers the following cities:
Multan | Rajanpur | Khanewal | Bahawalnagar |
Muzaffargarh | Lodhran | Sahiwal | Vehari |
Layyah | Bahawalpur | Pakpattan | R.Y. Khan |
D.G. Khan |
Operation Circles
It covers a vast area of 13 districts and it is the largest distribution company in the country, so it is not possible to cover its operations as a whole.
Its operations are divided into 9 circles and 38 divisions with 181 sub-divisions to enhance its operation.
In this way, it supplies uninterrupted electricity to its 8 million plus consumers and operates smoothly.
Circle No | Circle Name | No of Divisions | No of Sub-Divisions |
1 | Multan Circle | 6 | 26 |
2 | D.G. Khan Circle | 4 | 21 |
3 | Vehari Circle | 3 | 13 |
4 | Bahawalpur Circle | 6 | 28 |
5 | Sahiwal Circle | 5 | 22 |
6 | R.Y. Khan Circle | 4 | 19 |
7 | Muzaffargarh Circle | 4 | 21 |
8 | Bahawal Nagar Circle | 3 | 16 |
9 | Khanewal Circle | 3 | 15 |
Bill Tariff
It charges its consumers for consuming electricity on a different basis. Electricity prices in Pakistan are increasing at a higher pace and the masses suffer from it. Govt has decided to protect low-income consumers.
They have designed a new tariff rate schedule for consumers last year. In this schedule, they have created 2 main categories of consumers i.e. protected and unprotected consumers. It follows National Bill Criteria to calculate customers’ bills.
If you want to know more about taxes and duties included in the Bill, then click to read taxes and Duties
Protected Users
In this category, those consumers included those who consume less than 200 units per month for 6 consecutive months. They are charged very low prices for their consumption.
There is also a sub-category of life-line consumers who consume only up to 50 units per month. They are exempted from FPA. Govt. pays subsidies to these consumers on account of electricity prices.
Un-Protected Users
Consumers who consume more than 200 units in any month are called unprotected consumers. They pay high prices for the next 6 months. The price of units for these consumers increases with the increase in consumption of electricity.
Peak and Off-Peak Hours
The time in which electricity consumption is high is termed peak hours. During this time most of the consumers use electricity, so consumption of electricity increases and puts a burden on the national grid. This results in an increasing price of electricity during these hours.
It charges a higher price for peak hours. Normally this is done for 3-phase meters, their readings are taken as peak and off-peak hours separately. They are charged higher for peak hours.
If consumers want to reduce their Bills, they must know about peak and off-peak hours. They should consume low electricity during peak hours and try to shift their load to off-peak hours.
This is done to avoid excessive use of electricity during peak hours and it makes possible uninterrupted supply of electricity during peak hours.
Season | Peak Timing | Off-Peak Timing |
Dec-Feb | 5 pm – 9 pm | Remaining 20 hours |
March-May | 6 pm – 10 pm | —- do —— |
Jun-Aug | 7 pm – 11 pm | —- do —— |
Sep-Nov | 6 pm – 10 pm | —- do —— |
Bill History | Previous Bills | Old Bills
If you want to know your previous bills, you can see them easily. The bill contains entries of 12 months’ bills ( Annual Bills ). Customers can see the units consumed in any specific month. Amount of the bill for that month and paid status, paid or not.
This all information is printed on the bill very clearly. One can gain this all from the bill.
But, if you did not have your previous bill and want to check your previous bill history. Don’t worry, we are here to help you. Just open the site enter your reference number and press the button to generate the bill. You will get your current bill, from here you can see your previous bill history.
You can also save this bill for future use. You can check your monthly electricity consumption from this bill. It will help you to manage your consumption and bills. Previous bills are also called ex-bills. Ex-bills means last month’s or the previous month’s bills.
How to Reduce Bill
As the prices of electricity are constantly increasing in Pakistan, everyone is suffering from this. Every consumer wants to decrease his bill. Here we will discuss some key points to decrease your consumption and eventually decrease your bill.
Click to get all the required information about New Connection
How to Check Load Shedding Schedule?
In Pakistan, we are facing a shortage of electricity and this crisis is increasing day by day. To cover this shortage, they planned a load management plan, which we called a load shedding schedule.
Our demands for electricity are increasing at a constant pace and we need electricity in every field of life. Without electricity, we can not perform our tasks. So, we need it badly and continuously.
If you want to get rid of load shedding and want to install a solar system at your house, then click to open Net Metering to get information about net metering.
However, there is not enough electricity in Pakistan to supply consumers 24/7. When we face a sudden load shedding, we suffer a lot. To avoid all this they planned a load management plan and shared it online on their official site day by day.
They also update it on their social media pages and sometimes give announcements in newspapers to give facilitation to know load shedding schedule.
They do all this just to give some relaxation to their consumers so they can plan their routine work according to the load-shedding schedule and not panic. We can easily find load-shedding schedules on their official site and the Customer Complaint Management System ( CCMS ). It is govt’s official site to give information all over the country.
Bill Paid Status
It is a common question can we check if our Bill is paid or not? But currently, they are not giving this facility to check our bill paid status. But there are some tricks that we can use to check our bill status.
When we receive our new bill next month, we can see whether our last bill was paid or not. We can check it from history, where our last month’s amount and payments are mentioned. If the payment column is empty, it means our bill was not paid. But if there is payment mentioned, it means our last bill was paid.
Click to read about Bill Payment
In the bill, go to the total charges section, and see arrears/age, if it is zero, it means our bill was paid and if here last month’s amount is mentioned, it means our previous bill was not paid.
In this era of advanced technology, we should pay our bills from banks’ mobile apps and easy paisa, jazz cash etc applications. They send us a confirmation message about our bill payment. This gives us the freedom to worry about bill status whether paid or not.
Customers can download the Bill APP from the official website or Google Play Store.