MEPCO Helpline Number

Consumers of MEPCO are increasing at a higher pace and it is becoming a larger company day by day. When the number of consumers increases, some consumers may need more than the services standard of MEPCO and want to complain about this. Here we will discuss in detail about MEPCO Complaint process.

Are you not satisfied with any service provided by MEPCO and want to register a complaint about it? Click to get all possible ways to MEPCO Complaint lodging regarding your issue. You will get information about lodging your complaint whether online or physically through MEPCO Complaint Centers.

It may also be possible that some users suffer some critical issues of services provided by MEPCO and they want to highlight these issues. Sometimes due to technical issues, it is not possible to provide electricity to some areas and they wonder how to complain about this.

To tackle all these issues MEPCO has launched its Complaint Center and MEPCO Helpline. They also have an Emergency Helpline in case of any power outage or unscheduled load-shedding.

In this article, we will discuss all possible ways to contact MEPCO Representatives, highlight your issues and lodge your complaints.

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MEPCO Helpline Contact Numbers

Consumers can contact MEPCO office helpline numbers directly and can register their complaints against unscheduled load shedding, overbilling, low voltage supply and transmission issues.

  • 061-9210334
  • 061-9210389
  • 061-6784815

Consumers can also register their complaints regarding the above-mentioned issues at Regional Complaint Numbers at MEPCO Head Office

  • 061-9220217
  • 061-9220313
  • 061-9220314
  • 061-9220169

MEPCO Regional Complaint Centers

You can contact MEPCO Representatives at their specific offices. Moreover, MEPCO also shares their regional office’s phone numbers with the public for contact. You can contact these officers during duty time and they will resolve your issues.

You can contact them about power supply issues, low voltage issues, overbilling or to inquire any information from them.

Click to learn how to pay your bill

MEPCO Regional Complaint CentersComplaint Numbers
Dera Ghazi Khan064-9239229
Rahim Yar Khan068-9230160
MEPCO Regional Complaint Numbers

MEPCO Head Office Complaint Numbers

You can easily contact MEPCO Head Office with these officers at their given phone numbers.

MEPCO OfficerOffice Phone NumberMobile Number
PA to CEO061-9220222-20020333-6142149
PA/CO061-9220205- 20050300-9632289
Staff Officer061-9220205-20050300-8730910
MEPCO Head Office Complaint Numbers

MEPCO Customer Complaint Management System ( CCMS )

Govt has designed a centralised Customer Complaint Management System ( CCMS ) for consumers of all DISCOs. If anyone faces an issue regarding electricity he can easily lodge his complaint against his respective DISCO and it will be sorted as a top priority.

Do you want to install a new meter at your premises? Then click to get information about New Connection from MEPCO

It is a web-based portal and anyone can easily access it and can register his complaint. To register your complaint just open CCMS

How a customer can register his MEPCO Complaint?

A consumer of MEPCO can lodge his complaint in many ways using CCMS. Here we will discuss some of them briefly.

MEPCO Complaints Methods Infographics

Dialing a Toll Free Numner

Customers can easily register their complaints against MEPCO by calling a toll-free number 0800-00118. It is an emergency helpline designed for customers’ immediate help.

Or simply dial 118 and give the required information to the representative and highlight their issue.

You can also contact them through a Short Message Service ( SMS ). Write your issue and send it to 8118.

Now you can get your monthly bill on your phone by SMS, Click to learn about how to apply for a Bill Subscription

It is free of cost and 24/7 helpline. Consumers can call this number at any time. These calls are recorded and treated as a top priority.

This helpline is more helpful in undue load shedding, power breakdown or any such issue. Just complain your such issues and they will be solved at the earliest.

Customer Services Centers

MEPCO has established many customer service centres for the help of its customers. Customers can visit their nearest service centre and lodge their complaints regarding any service. They can tell the representatives their issues facing in any service.

Customers can also get information about any service they require from MEPCO.

Click to open the MEPCO Online Bill Calculator

Through a Web Portal

If customers are technology lovers and do not want to go out to submit their complaint against MEPCO, then they can access the Web Portal for this purpose. The web portal is specially designed for this purpose. 

It is called the MEPCO Customer Complaint Management System CCMS. The web portal is very user-friendly and handy to use. The customer opens this site and should select the register complaint tab from the header menu. Then enters his relevant information like reference number or CNIC and then searches it. In the next part, he should provide further information regarding the issue he faces.

If you have installed a solar system to get electricity then apply for Green Meter, to know process click to open Net Metering

Benefits of Customer Complaint Management System 

Here we will enlist some benefits of CCMS

  • It is very easy to access
  • Very easy to register a complaint 
  • These are treated as a top priority
  • These are recorded
  • The customer gets a ticket number with which he can easily track his complaint status
  • Customer gets feedback

How to Track a Complaint 

  • When a customer registers his complaint he is assigned a ticket number 
  • If he wants to track his complaint whether the issue is resolved or not, he should open the CCMS site and select Track a complaint
  • Enter his ticket number or reference number and press enter
  • He will see the status of his complaint


In short, we can say that MEPCO’s Helpline and Customer Service Centers are state-of-the-art programs for the assistance of consumers. Customers can also lodge their complaints against
MEPCO through CCMS. They can also track their complaints easily.

Do you want to know about taxes and duties included in your MEPCO Bill? Click to open Taxes and Duties and get all the information you need to know.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

You can register online complaints through CCMS or customer centres. You can also register your complaint by dialling their office numbers.

You need to give your reference number or customer ID, your CNIC, your name and your issue.

Yes, you can track your application status online. Open CCMS and select track give required information and you will see your application’s status.

Just call 118 in case of undue load-shedding or unscheduled load shedding, and your issue will be resolved immediately.