MEPCO Bill Calculator 2025

Do you want to calculate your MEPCO Bill? Are you planning to estimate your bill before you receive your bill’s hard copy? You are at the right place. We have designed a calculator which can estimate your bill approximately.

When a customer is registered with the SMS Service of MEPCO, he receives his units consumed during the current month via SMS when the meter reader does a meter reading. But he receives the original bill after some time.

MEPCO Bill Calculator

Now in this era of technology, everyone has a desire to manage their expenditures. The customer wants to get an estimated bill in time so that he can allocate his budget properly. Now, customer can easily check their bill by using our Bill Estimator Tool.

Now you can easily calculate or estimate your Bill with the help of our " MEPCO Bill Calculator ". Enter your consumed units and calculate your bill. He just needs to open our site and enter his units consumed during the current month, our tool will calculate his bill and show it to the customer. This amount includes all the taxes and duties which are included in the original bill.

You can get information about Bill Payment to know how all possible methods to pay your bill.

However, it does not contain a Quarter Tariff Adjustment ( QTA ), which is included in the original bill. So, our calculated value may differ slightly from the original bill. You should keep in mind that it is only an estimator and not an exact bill calculator.

 Govt sometimes increases taxes and may include a new tax on specific users, so the amount of the original and estimated bills may differ. Our tool uses a special Bill Calculation Formula to calculate the bill.

Now you can check your MEPCO Duplicate Bill easily by visiting " MEPCO Duplicate Bill "

How to Use MEPCO Bill Calculator?

Customers can use the Bill Online Calculator. This tool can be used by domestic consumers and 3-phase users as well. It gives the bill estimate not the exact amount as it does not include QTA.

If you have installed a solar system then apply for Net Metering now to get its benefits.

Infographics about MEPCO Bill Calculator
  • Open our site
  • Enter units consumed during the current month
  • If you consumed 200 or less units for 6 months, then select this option
  • Now press Calculate the bill
  • This will show your estimated bill
  • It includes some taxes and fees
  • But it did not include QTA, so your original amount of the bill may differ from this
  • If you face any issues, please let us know, and we will fix them as soon as possible

MEPCO Tariff 25 | MEPCO Per Unit Price 25

To calculate your bill, you should be aware of the MEPCO Tariff or Per Unit Price. It is also necessary for customers to know how much they are paying for a unit. It also enables consumers to know about electricity prices and taxes included in the bill.

Open a New Connection to get information about how to install a new meter.

When we pay a bill, it not only includes the price of electricity but also has some taxes, duties and fixed fees in it. When you know your tariff rate, you will be able to differentiate between the price of electricity and taxes included in the bill.

You can read more about taxes and duties included in MEPCO Bill, click to open MEPCO Taxes and Duties

Here we will discuss in detail the per-unit price for different types of consumers.

Domestic Consumers

Govt has designed a comparatively low tariff rate for domestic consumers to save them from high electricity prices. Domestic consumers are further divided into Protected and Unprotected Consumers. Let us discuss their tariff separately.

Protected Consumers

Consumers with very low consumption of electricity are called protected consumers. These are charged very low rates and they provide them subsidies to save them electricity price hikes.

No of Units ConsumedPrice/Tarif per Unit
0-50 Life Line Consumers3.95
51-100 Life Line Consumers7.74
Protected Consumers Tariff

Un-Protected Consumers

Consumers who consume more than 200 units are called unprotected consumers. MEPCO charges them higher than protected consumers. They have a separate tariff plan for these consumers. 

No of Units were ConsumedPrice/Tariff per Unit
Above 70042.72
Un-Protected Consumers Tariff

A1 General Supply Tariff Residential

Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
a)For sanctioned load less than 5 kW
iUp to 50 Units ( lifeline Users )6.763.95
ii51-100 Units- ( lifeline Users )11.417.74
iii0 - 100 Units13.517.74
iva.101-200 Units  15.78 10.06
v001-100 Units  22.51 16.48
vi100-200 Units  27.16 22.95
vii201-300 Units 30.00 27.14
viii301-400 Units 33.04 32.03
ix401-500 Units  35.26 35.24
x501-600 Units  36.50 36.66
xi601-700 Units  37.90 37.80
xiiAbove 700 Units 42.95 42.72
b)For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above     
   Peak HoursOff-PeakPeakOff- Peak Hours
 Time of Use38.5432.2541.8935.57
A1 General Supply Tariff Residential

According to the competent authority's decision, residential consumers will only receive benefits from one previous slab.
Under Tariff A-1, there shall be a minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if not a single unit is consumed.
a) Single Phase connections: Rs. 75/- per consumer per month
b) Three-phase connection: Rs.150/- per consumer per month

A2 General Supply Tariff-Commercial

Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
a)For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 500 37.37 37.75
b)For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above 39.73 39.43
   Peak HoursOff-Peak HoursPeak HoursOff-Peak Hours
c)Time of Use50040.1834.2541.3535.38
Under Tariff A-2, there will be a minimum monthly customer charge at specified rates, even if not a single unit is used.
a) single phase connections: Rs. 175/- per consumer per month
b) Three-phase connections: Rs. 350/- per consumer per month
A2 General Supply Tariff

A3 General Services

Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
a)General Services  37.74 39.43
Under Tariff A-3, there are some charges at specific rates which consumers have to pay even if they did not consume a single unit during the current month..
a) single phase connections: Rs. 175/- per consumer per month
b) Three-phase connections: Rs. 350/- per consumer per month
A3 General Services Tariff

B Industrial Supply Tariff

Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)GoP Applicable July 2023Variable Charges
B1 (aUp to 25 kw (at 400/230 volts) 34.3834.33
B2(a)exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts)500.00 34.2233.83
 Time of Use PeakOff- PeakPeakOff-Peak
B1 (b)Up to 25 kw37.4731.8037.8932.33
B2 (b)exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts)500.0037.2031.4937.8332.12
B3For All types of Loads up to 5000 KW(at 11,33 KV)46036.4130.8437.8332.03
B4For All Loads (at 66,132 KV & above)44036.3830.2037.8331.93

B1 consumers will pay a fixed charge minimum of Rs. 350 per month.
B2 consumers will pay a fixed charge minimum of Rs. 2,000 per month.
B3 consumers will pay a fixed charge minimum of Rs. 50,000 per month.
B4 consumers will pay a fixed charge minimum of Rs. 500,000 per month.
Industrial Supply Tariff

C-Single Point Supply Tariff

C-Single Point Supply shows bulk purchases made by a distribution licensee and is applicable to mixed-load consumers who do not fall into any other consumer class.

If you are not satisfied with MEPCO services, then click to get information about how to complain

 Sr. No. Tariff Category/Particulars Fixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh) Applicable Variable Charges
C-1For supply at 400/230 Volts     
a)Sanctioned load less than 5 Kw 44.23 38.43
The sanctioned load falls within the range of 5 kW to 500 kW.
500 43.18 37.93
C- 2(a)Supply is provided at 11,33 kV for loads up to 5000 kW.460 36.63 37.73
C- 3(a)Supply is for 66 kV & above, with loads above 5000 kW. 440  35.89  37.63
 Time Of Use PeakOff-PeakOff-Peak
C- 1(c)Supply is available at 400/230 Volts for loads ranging from 5 kW to 500 kW.50043.0736.7941.3537.75
C- 2(b)Supply will be available at 11,33 kV for loads up to and including 5000 kW.46040.4634.0141.3534.55
C- 3(b)Supply is for 66 kV & above, with a sanctioned load above a certain threshold.44035.8729.1041.3534.45
Single Point Supply Tariff

Agriculture Tariff

Sr.NoTariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges RS/KW/MUniform determined with PYA Variable Charges Rs/KwhGoP Applicable July 2023 Variable Charges Rs/Kwh
D-1(a) D-2(a)SCARP less than 5 kW Agricultural Tubewells20037.73 31.3434.43 24.10
   D-1(b) D-2(b)   SCARP 5kW+ AgricultureKw and Above   200 200  
   46.80 24.6838.54 24.5837.35 24.1030.10 24.10
Agriculture Tariff

Under this tariff, there's a minimum monthly charge of Rs. 2000 per consumer, regardless of energy consumption.

Note– Consumers who have sanctioned loads below 5 kW can choose Time of Use (TOU) metering.

If you still want to get more information about tariffs then you can visit the official site of NAPRA for MEPCO Tariff.

Now you can subscribe your monthly bill, click to get information about MEPCO Bill Subscription

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

Just open our site, enter your units consumed and press the button calculate. Your bill will be generated and shown in a form format

No, the amount will be just an estimate and it may differ from the original bill amount.

It is due to Fuel Price Adjustment and Quarter Tariff Adjustment by NEPRA.